American Historical Society of Germans from Russia - Greater Kansas City Chapter
Serves the Kansas City metropolitan area as well as outlying areas of Missouri and Kansas.
Through the publication, Kansas Cowboy, the COWBOY Society preserves the history and culture of the Cowboy in Kansas and on the long cattle trails. Relive the days of frontier Kansas and the characters that created the Wild West.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows - Kansas
Jurisdictions for the IOOF, Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs.
Kansas Genealogical Society (Facebook)
Dodge City.
Midwest Historical and Genealogical Society
Wichita, Kansas. The Midwest Historical and Genealogical Society collects, preserves and distributes genealogical and historical information, with emphasis on the preservation of Sedgwick County, Kansas heritage.
American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, Kansas.
United States » Kansas » Societies & Groups
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