Blekinge Släktforskarförening / Blekinge Genealogical Society
Bräkne-Hoby, Sweden
Genealogy in Dalarna is a regional organization of local genealogical societies from the Province of Dalarna.
Descendants of the Bishop Hill Colonists Henry County, Illinois, USA
Information on the Bishop Hill Old Settlers Association.
Headquarters in the city of Esl
Falbygdens Släktforskarförening / Falbygden Genealogical Society
Falbygdens, Falköping, Västergötland, Sweden.
Swedish Genealogical Society.
Web site for society catering for the county of Halland, Sweden. Have a number of excellent data CDs for sale including a large BMD CD covering the whole county, now in 2nd edition.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows - Sweden
Jurisdictions for the IOOF, Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs.
Searchable parish registers (birth, marriage and death) for part of southern Sweden around Jonkoping.
Kronobergs Genealogiska Förening
Kronoberg’s Genealogical Association, KGF, founded in September 1982 in Växjö, is a nonprofit association whose purpose is to promote genealogical research in Kronoberg county, Sweden.
Kville Härads Personhistoriska Förening
A district historical society in Sweden. The association's purpose is to reconstruct the church records that were destroyed by the fire in the rectory Kville 1904th. Kville parish is part of Bohusl
Home page for the Genealogical Research Society of Mark County in Sweden.
A society for the descendants of Belgian emigrants to Sweden in the early seventeenth century. Genealogical research in Sweden, Finland, USA and Belgium.
Scandinavian Heritage Association FREE
Minot, North Dakota
Scandinavian Society of Nova Scotia
We bring together the nordic cultures of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden by presenting several events and activities throughout the year to promote an interest in our cultures.
Sweden / Sverige » Societies & Groups
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