Swedish genealogy message forum.
BK5forum Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
For the discussion of the Brother's Keeper genealogy program. The list is for the scandinavian countries so please note that the language for this list is Norwegian, Danish and Swedish.
GEN-NORDIC Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It) Archives (RootsWeb)
For the discussion of genealogy in the Scandinavian countries, including: Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.
Facebook group for this province in Sweden. Mostly in Swedish.
Facebook group for this province in Sweden. Mostly in Swedish.
Facebook group for this province in Sweden. Mostly in Swedish.
My ancestors are from BLEKINGE (Facebook)
Facebook group for this province in Sweden. Mostly in Swedish.
Facebook group for this province in Sweden. Mostly in Swedish.
My ancestors are from DALARNA (Facebook)
Facebook group for this province in Sweden. Mostly in Swedish.
My ancestors are from DALSLAND (Facebook)
Facebook group for this province in Sweden. Mostly in Swedish.
Facebook group for this province in Sweden. Mostly in Swedish.
My ancestors are from GOTLAND (Facebook)
Facebook group for this province in Sweden. Mostly in Swedish.
Facebook group for this province in Sweden. Mostly in Swedish.
Facebook group for this province in Sweden. Mostly in Swedish.
My ancestors are from HALLAND (Facebook)
Facebook group for this province in Sweden. Mostly in Swedish.
Facebook group for this province in Sweden. Mostly in Swedish.
My ancestors are from LAPPLAND (Facebook)
Facebook group for this province in Sweden. Mostly in Swedish.
My ancestors are from MEDELPAD (Facebook)
Facebook group for this province in Sweden. Mostly in Swedish.
Facebook group for this province in Sweden. Mostly in Swedish.
Sweden / Sverige » Social Networking
36 Links
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