The American Genealogist - TAG
Founded 1922 by Donald Lines Jacobus. An independent quarterly journal, dedicated to the elevation of genealogical scholarship through carefully documented analyses of genealogical problems and through short compiled genealogies.
One of the major scholarly journals in the field. It was founded in 1980 and has been published since 1997 by the American Society of Genealogists (the FASGs)through Picton Press. Two issues of at least 128 pages each are published each year plus an every-name index. The journal is edited by Charles M. Hansen, FASG, and Gale Ion Harris, FASG.
The official publication of the Irish Genealogical Research Society since 1937.
The New England Historical and Genealogical Register
Published quarterly since 1847, The New England Historical and Genealogical Register is the flagship journal of American genealogy and the oldest in the field, focusing on authoritative compiled genealogies. Typical articles also solve genealogical problems, identify immigrant origins, or present treatments of multiple generations. The Register is available free to members.
Genealogy Standards & Guidelines » Scholarly Journals
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