Die Maus e. V. - Gesellschaft fuer Familienforschung in Bremen
Germany. Die Maus e. V. - Family History and genealogical society of Bremen.
Iowa Society of Mayflower Descendants
The General Society of Mayflower Descendants in Iowa was chartered March 27, 1928 with 23 charter members. The first meeting was held April 17, 1928 at Ames, Iowa. Meetings are held the first Saturday in May and the first Saturday in November.
MacGahan American-Bulgarian Foundation of New Lexington
New Lexington, Ohio.
Maclean District Historical Society
Maclean, New South Wales, Australia.
This is the official website of the Macomb County Genealogy Group located in Macomb County, Michigan, USA. This site tells our group's history, our meeting schedules, has links to our databases at the Mt. Clemens Public Library, and is where our Member Surname Project is located. Our members have genealogical research interests throughout the world -- not just in Macomb County, Michigan.
Macon County Historical Society
Franklin, North Carolina.
Macon County Tennessee Historical Society
Lafayette, Tennessee.
Macoupin County Genealogical Society
Staunton, Illinois.
Madawaska Historical Society (Facebook)
Madawaska, Maine. First home of Maine and Western New Brunswick's Acadians. Sponsor of annual pioneer family reunion during Acadian Festival.
Madison County Cemetery Commission
Madison County Genealogical Society
Edwardsville, Illinois.
Madison County Genealogical Society
Norfolk, Nebraska.
Madison County Genealogical Society
Mars Hill, North Carolina.
Madison County Historical Society
Oneida, New York.
Madison County Historical Society, Inc.
Anderson, Indiana.
New Hampshire.
Madison, Connecticut.
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