1960 PC Users Group Genealogy SIG
Houston, Texas.
BARUG - Bay Area Roots User's Group
California. Meets several times a year to discuss and learn about The Master Genealogist (TMG).
Eastern Oregon & Southeast Washington.
CAGGNI - Computer Assisted Genealogy Group of Northern Illinois
CAGGNI is a genealogy society that focuses on the use of technology to research and share genealogy. Monthly meetings feature professional speakers, a 20 page newsletter, and special interest groups related to the use of technology and genealogy. CAGGNI is presenting a genealogy technology conference, GeneaQuest in May of 2014
Colorado Genealogical Society - Computer Interest Group
We have monthly meetings which meet on the third Saturday of every month except in July, August and December at 1:30 pm at the Denver Public Library (Central Branch). We have speakers come in to talk about some of the new technology that is out there or is coming out. We have Software Workshops where we meet into groups to learn about old and new things that are going on in our software programs. We also have Special Workshops consisting of DNA Discussion Group, Scanning and Digital Imaging and Interent Searching.
Computer Assisted Genealogy Group
Cleveland area of Northeastern Ohio.
Le Mars, Iowa.
Conejo Valley Genealogical Society
Thousand Oaks, California.
Dane County Area Genealogical Society
Madison, Wisconsin. Incorporating the former Computer Assisted Genealogists of Southern Wisconsin and Dane County Genealogical Society groups.
Computer group in Steinkjer, Norway.
Computer interest group in Norway.
Computer genealogy group for Rogaland, Norway.
DMA Meetings and - Genealogy / Ancestral SIG
Dayton, Ohio Genealogy Special Interest Group (SIG) under the Dayton Microcomputer Association (DMA). Members meet monthly to learn and/or share information on genealogy topics.
Societies & Groups » Computer Interest Groups (CIGs)
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