An overview of serfdom in the Netherlands, by Yvette Hoitink. A horige is a serf or villain, an un-free farmer who was bound to the land. Serfdom started in the Middle Ages. In most parts of the Netherlands, it was abolished by the 1500s. In some parts, like the eastern parts of Drenthe, Overijssel and Gelderland, a diluted form of serfdom continued until the French occupation of 1795.
Horigheid - Heerlijkheid Bredevoort
Registers of the serfs belonging to the manor of Bredevoort, Gelderland, Netherlands from 1506 to 1795. The indexes are for the entire registers including the annual tallies and the other records. Transcriptiions are for the other records only.
The Finer Times - Villeins in the Middle Ages
By Tim Nash, an introduction to villeins and serfdom.
Servitude: Indentures, Serfs, Apprentices, etc. » Serfs & Villeins
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