CANADIAN-TRAIN-DISASTERS Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
For anyone with a genealogical or historical interest in documenting train wrecks in Canada including passenger lists and those who may have perished.
GenDisasters.com - Events That Touched Our Ancestor's Lives - Train Wrecks
GenDisasters.com, chronicles the events that touched our ancestors' lives - train wrecks, fires, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, storms, mining explosions, ship wrecks, drownings, and accidents. Transcribed newspaper accounts, excerpts from historical books and photographs detail hundreds of life's tragedies that our ancestors' endured, from the 1800s to the 1950s. New material is being transcribed and added daily. Searchable. [The original link is gone. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
Hyde Railway Disaster (Wikipedia)
Hyde, New Zealand.
Transcript of CM&StP division engineer's field book of accidents (injury and fatality), approx. May 1907-April 1909, all in Kittitas County, Washington. Includes name, date & time, location of accident, occupation, residence, age, injuries, doctor, description of accident, witnesses, and who reported. Includes workers from US, Canada, Europe, and Japan. Includes alphabetical index of those injured or killed, doctors, and witnesses and others.
List of rail accidents in the United Kingdom (Wikipedia)
This lists significant accidents involving railway rolling stock, including crashes, fires and incidents of crew being overcome by locomotive emissions.
National Transportation Library - Investigations of Railroad Accidents 1911-1993
Digitized copies of the United States Interstate Commerce Commission railroad accident reports, dating from 1911 to 1993. Incident reports are searchable by site of incident and date of incident.
National Transportation Safety Board - Railroad Accident Reports
The NTSB issues an accident report following the investigation. These reports are available online for reports issued since 1996, with older reports coming online soon. The reports listing is sortable by the event date, report date, city, and state.
[The original link is gone. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Plane and Train Wrecks | Online Collections
From the U.S. Department of Transportation Library. You must register for a free account to access these databases, including: Investigations of Railroad Accidents 1911-1993 and Investigations of Aircraft Accidents 1934-1965.
Plane and Train Wrecks | Online Collections
Investigations of Aircraft Accidents 1934 - 1965, Investigations of Railroad Accidents 1911 - 1993.
Railway Archives - Accident Archive
A not-for-profit online project for the railways of the United Kingdom.
U.S. National Archives - Railroad Accident Reports
This summary describes selected records of the Interstate Commerce Commission (Record Group 134), the Federal Railroad Administration (Record Group 399), and selected records of the U.S. Railroad Administration (Record Group 14) in the custody of the Civilian Records Staff, National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740, telephone 301-837-3480.
Railroads » Railroad & Railway Accidents
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