Family Notices - free online announcements
Family Notices is a free online repository for all announcements and notices of births, deaths, marriages, engagements, anniversaries and missing persons, old and new. Written by a genealogist and intended to fill the gap between available records and present day.
Join this genealogy research community, enter your surnames and family tree research and searches, and connect with other researchers.
Genealogists' Forum is run by a group of experienced genealogists who share the same enthusiasm for creating a friendly and helpful environment to enable other people to research their family trees. The site contains a lively forum as well as useful research guides, which are being added to all the time.
Forum designed for genealogy-related topic discussions.
SURNAME-QUERY Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
For users to send queries on specific surname searches.
Tree Tops Family History Pages (Wayback Machine)
Family Tree Query service, broadcasted on SKY NEWS TV throughout the UK, Ireland & Europe.
TREETOPS-NEWS Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
A mailing list created to go hand in hand with the Tree Tops Family Tree and We'll Meet Again Query service which is broadcast on SKY NEWS TV throughout the UK, Ireland & Europe and also on CHANNEL 5 (UK) TEXT Pages 488 & 489, thus increasing exposure to the general public. The owner receives messages from all over the globe and the list will provide news to users and those interested in the service.
TREETOPS-OVERSEAS Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
Free service from Tree Tops aimed at those who are researching in the areas which are not covered by the British Television Teletext (UK, Ireland and Europe). This is a read-only list.
Yourfamily.com - Long Lost Family Bulletin Board (Wayback Machine)
Search for lost relatives and missing friends and check to see if someone is looking for you.
Queries & Message Boards » General Resources
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