From the Handbook of Texas.
Fort Smith National Historic Site
Dedicated to telling the story of two frontier forts and the Federal Court for the Western District of Arkansas. Commemorates the Federal District Court for the Western District of Arkansas during the years that the court's jurisdiction included the Indian Territory, 1872-1896.
Executions at Fort Smith, 1873-1896
Material relating to the 86 men put to death on the gallows at Fort Smith from 1873-1896.
Federal Court Employee Database
Searchable database of the deputies who served Judge Parker's Court. The majority of the men the court employed served as deputy U.S. marshals.
Genealogy Quest - Arizona Marshals, 1864-1912
U. S. Marshals and Deputy Marshals sworn in 1864 - 1912.
Jesse and Frank James: The Family History
A book by Phillip W. Steele.
JESSE-JAMES Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
For the discussion and sharing of information regarding the friends and family of the outlaw Jesse James.
The Outlaws - Bud and Donnie Pence
They rode with the James gang.
The group is a result of the National Association for Outlaw and Lawmen History (NOLA) and the Western Outlaw-Lawman History Association (WOLA).
Prisons, Prisoners & Outlaws » Wild West
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