American Prisoners of the Revolution | American Wars
"American Prisoners Of The Revolution" is the definitive work on the American Prisoners of the Revolutionary War. The bulk of the book is devoted to personal accounts, of the conditions endured by United States prisoners at the hands of the British, as preserved in journals or diaries kept by physicians, ships' captains, and the prisoners themselves. Titles of genealogical interest is the alphabetical list of 8,000 men who were imprisoned on the British vessel The Old Jersey, which was copied from the papers of the British War Department and incorporated in the appendix. Also included is a Muster Roll of Captain Abraham Shepherd's Company of Virginia Riflemen and a section on soldiers of the Pennsylvania Flying Camp who perished in prison, 1776-1777.
Ancestry.com - War of 1812, Prisoner of War Records, 1812-1815 $
Original source: Index to Records Relating to War of 1812, Prisoners of War, 1812; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M1747, 3 rolls); Records of the Adjutant General
AUSTRALIAN-POWS Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
For anyone with a genealogical interest in Australian soldiers in prisoner-of-war (POW) camps.
British Concentration Camps of the South African War 1900-1902
Online searchable database of the registers of the Boer population forced into the camps. It does not include Boer prisoners of war held by the British. Searchable by name, camp, farm or unique ID. Information includes cause of death, farm history, camp history of the individual, relationships to other persons in the camps and even tent number in the camp.
FamilySearch - United States Records of Confederate Prisoners of War, 1861-1865
Images of 429 volumes of Confederate Prisoners of War records, most of which are from the War Department's Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners. Others are from the Surgeon General's Office, a few Army commands and individual prison camps. The collection consists mainly of lists and registers and is part of RG 109, War Department Collection of Confederate Records. This is NARA publication M598.
My father was a prisoner of War
Tribute to Allen Godfrey Jones 1919-1959, A prisoner of war at Changi, Great World Camp, River Valley Road Camp, Fukuoka #1 and #17.
This is the story of the Japanese prisoner of war camps on the island of Taiwan (Formosa) during the Second World War and of the men who were interned in them.
Alphabetical listing of POWs.
Prisoners of the First World War | International Committee of the Red Cross
From the indexes of the ICRC. During the First World War, 8 million soldiers fighting on the front and 2 million civilians, mainly those living abroad in enemy countries or areas under enemy occupation, were taken prisoner and interned in camps for several years.
Genealogical resource aid and project to try and identify the 4,000 British civilian prisoners interned at Ruhleben concentration camp near Berlin in World War One.
World War II Prisoners of War in Iowa
Written for Iowa Pathways by Loren Horton.
Prisons, Prisoners & Outlaws » Prisoners of War
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