Amazon.com Genealogy Bookstore - Paper Preservation
The following are individual book titles of interest for this topic. The book links below point to the Amazon.com bookstore online where you may purchase the book if you wish. These links are provided to bring these published resources to your attention as an aid to your research. Follow the links to books of interest to make note of their title, author, publisher, and ISBN. You might then use this information to obtain the book from your local library or your favorite corner book shop.
A book by Annie Tremmel Wilcox.
A Preservation Guide: Saving the Past and Present for the Future
A book by Barbara Sagraves.
A book by Jill Snyder.
Caring for Your Family Treasures: Heritage Preservation
A book by Richard Jane Long .
Conservation Concerns: A Guide for Collectors and Curators
A book by Konstanze Bachmann.
Conservation of Paintings (National Gallery Pocket Guides Series)
A book by David Bomford.
Dating Fabrics: A Color Guide 1800-1960
A book by Eileen Trestain.
Double Fold: Libraries and the Assault on Paper
A book by Nicholson Baker.
How to Care for Works of Art on Paper
A book by Francis W. Dolloff.
How to Clean, Repair, Store and Display Your Heirloom Papers and Photographs
A book by Martha Ellen Webb .
More Than Memories : The Complete Guide for Preserving Your Family History
A book by Julie Stephani.
More Than Memories II: Beyond the Basics
A book by Julie Stephani.
A book by James M. Reilly.
Organizing and Preserving Your Heirloom Documents: Including Diaries Letters Memoirs and More
A book by Katherine Scott Sturdevant.
Ounce of Preservation: A Guide to the Care of Papers and Photographs
A book by Craig A. Tuttle.
A book by Maureen Taylor.
A book by Patricia Fenn.
The Art of Family: Genealogical Artifacts in New England
A book by D. Brenton Simons.
The Complete Guide to Vintage Textiles
A book by Elizabeth M. Kurella.
The Winterthur Guide to Caring for Your Collection (Winterthur Decorative Arts Series)
A book by Gregory J. Landrey.
The Archival Products Newsletter offers information about library preservation, book and paper conservation, and caring for family collections.
Conservation By Design Limited
United Kingdom-based vendor which provides materials and equipment for conservation and preservation.
A book for sale by Margot Note. A professional archivist reveals to genealogists the secrets of preserving family histories by creating family archives to be enjoyed for generations to come.
Legacy QuickGuide: Metal Paper Clips, Rubber Bands and Tape, OH MY! $
The Metal Paper Clips, Rubber Bands and Tape, OH MY! Legacy QuickGuide
Legacy QuickGuide: Disaster Planning for the Genealogist $
The Disaster Planning for the Genealogist Legacy QuickGuide
Legacy QuickGuide: Preserving Old Family Letters $
The Preserving Old Family Letters: Tips from an Archivist Legacy QuickGuide
A non-aerosol spray product that neutralizes the acids in paper.
The following are individual book titles of interest for this topic. The book links below point to the Amazon.com bookstore online where you may purchase the book if you wish. These links are provided to bring these published resources to your attention as an aid to your research. Follow the links to books of interest to make note of their title, author, publisher, and ISBN. You might then use this information to obtain the book from your local library or your favorite corner book shop.
United Kingdom-based vendor which provides materials and equipment for conservation and preservation.
The following are individual book titles of interest for this topic. The book links below point to the Amazon.com bookstore online where you may purchase the book if you wish. These links are provided to bring these published resources to your attention as an aid to your research. Follow the links to books of interest to make note of their title, author, publisher, and ISBN. You might then use this information to obtain the book from your local library or your favorite corner book shop.
This book will help genealogists with the papers and stories they collect. It advocates for the value, recording and care of family memories. Written by a professional archivist, the book helps ensure that one is passing on a well-rounded collection of personal papers, photographs and memorabilia that is properly maintained and preserved, revealing a well-rounded family history.
Preservation & Conservation » Publications, Software & Supplies
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