Genealogy Articles, Tips & Research Guides by Joe Beine
Census Records, Irish Genealogy, Military Records, Native American Genealogy, Naturalization Records, Passenger Lists, State Research Guides.
Finding Ship Passenger Lists & Immigration Records 1820-1940s
Arrivals at US ports from Europe. By Joe Beine.
Immigrant Ships Passenger Lists | Emigrant Ships Passenger Lists
From the Steamship Historical Society of America.
Immigration, Naturalization and Ships Passenger List Extract Forms
Blank forms for extracting information from a List or Manifest of Alien Passengers for the US Immigration Office at Port of Arrival. From the Capital Area Genealogical Society.
One-Step Webpages by Stephen P. Morse
Alternate search functions for many online databases. Includes tools for immigration, census, vital records, calendars, soundex, foreign alphabets, Jewish and Holocaust research.
Ellis Island Search Forms and Ship Arrivals
One-Step search of Ellis Island immigration records covering the years 1892 to 1924. Includes Missing Manifests Search and Morton Allan Directory. This search requires a subscription to a pay-for-use database.
Freely accessible article on European emigration to the USA and Canada via the UK, 1836-1914. Taken from Indirect Passage from Europe. European Transmigration via the UK, 1836-1914
Tips for Determining Your Ancestor's Probable Port of Arrival
Suggestions for finding which port your immigrant ancestor may have arrived at in the United States.
US Ports of Arrival & Their Available Immigration Records
A Genealogy Guide by Joe Beine. US Ports of Arrival and Their Available Passenger Lists 1820-1957 includes Canadian & Mexican Border Crossing Records. A list of nearly every US port with links to their passenger lists, indexes and other finding aids. Includes Canadian and Mexican border crossing records.
Ports of Entry » General Resources
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