Amazon.com Genealogy Bookstore - Orphans
The following are individual book titles of interest for this topic. The book links below point to the Amazon.com bookstore online where you may purchase the book if you wish. These links are provided to bring these published resources to your attention as an aid to your research. Follow the links to books of interest to make note of their title, author, publisher, and ISBN. You might then use this information to obtain the book from your local library or your favorite corner book shop.
'Mother Donit Fore the Best': Correspondence of a Nineteenth-Century Orphan Asylum
A book by Judith A. Dulberger.
A Legacy of Caring : The Charleston Orphan House, 1790-1990
A book by Alan Keith-Lucas.
Adoption Agencies, Orphanages and Maternity Homes: An Historical Directory
A book by Reg Niles.
Anne Orthwood's Bastard: Sex and Law in Early Virginia
A book by John Ruston Pagan.
Children You Gave Us: A History of 150 Years of Service to Children
A book by Jacqueline Bernard.
Inside Looking Out: The Cleveland Jewish Orphan Asylum, 1868-1924
A book by Gary Edward Polster.
Little Strangers: Portrayals of Adoption and Foster Care in America, 1850-1929
A book by Claudia Nelson.
Melancholy Baby: The Unplanned Consequences of the G.I.s' Arrival in Europe for World War II
A book by Pamela Winfield.
Orphanages Reconsidered: Child Care Institutions in Progressive Era Baltimore
A book by Nurith Zmora.
Philadelphia's Progressive Orphanage: The Carson Valley School
A book by David R. Contosta.
Second Home: Orphan Asylums and Poor Families in America
A book by Timothy A. Hacsi.
The Great Arizona Orphan Abduction
A book by Linda Gordon.
The Luckiest Orphans: A History of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum of New York
A book by Hyman Bogen.
A book by Carolee R. Inskeep.
East Tennessee's Forgotten Children: Apprentices from 1778 to 1911
A book by Alan N. Miller, II. For sale from Genealogical Publishing Company.
The Children's Aid Society of New York
A book by Carolee Inskeep. For sale from Genealogical Publishing Company.
The New York Foundling Hospital
A book by Carolee Inskeep. For sale from Genealogical Publishing Company.
Orphans » Publications, Software & Supplies
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