Ancestry.com - Search Birth, Marriage, & Death Records
Includes some obituaries in this collection. Searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images available with fee-based subscription.
Callaway County, Missouri Obituaries, 1830-1910
Original source: Weant, Kenneth. Callaway County. Vol. 6.
Callaway County, Missouri Obituaries, 1920-55
Original source: Weant, Kenneth. Callaway County. Vol. 8.
Canada, Obituary Collection, 1898-Current
A compilation of obituaries published in Canadian newspapers, collected from various online sources.
Chicago Sun-Times Obituaries, 1988-95
Original source: Chicago Sun-Times. Chicago, IL, USA: Sun-Times, 1988-1995.
Chicago Tribune, Obituary Index, 1988-1997
Original source: Chicago Tribune. Chicago, IL, USA: Chicago Tribune, 1988-1997.
Cole County, Missouri Obituaries, 1871-99
Original source: Weant, Kenneth E. Cole County, Missouri. Vol. 2.
Columbia, South Carolina Obituaries, 1859-77
Original source: Holcomb, Brent Howard. Record of Deaths in Columbia and other places as recorded by John Glass, 1859-1877. Columbia, SC, USA: SCMAR, 1986.
Camano Island - Stanwood Area, Washington. Collection of obituaries started several years ago by the CamWood Genealogical Workshop with recent additions from the Stanwood Area Historical Society's files.
This database is an index to obituaries in the Canadian Mennonite, der Bote, Altona/Red River Echo, Mennonite Brethren Herald and Mennonitische Rundschau.
Canadian Obituaries Forum - ALBERTA Obituaries Message Index
A collection of obituaries from the Alberta province of Canada.
Canadian Obituaries Forum - BRITISH COLUMBIA Obituaries Message Index
An assortment of obituaries collected from the British Columbia province of Canada.
CanadianObits.com - a growing collection of obits from all over Canada
An ever-growing collection of obituaries for family research arranged by Canadian province.
Listing of obituary notifications, funeral arrangements and interments for regions in Ontario, with plans to expand into other provinces.
Canyon County, Idaho, Headstone Photos and Obituary Project
Names will be added as soon as the images are processed. This is an ongoing project and will be updated fairly often.
Chapman, Cole & Gleason Funeral Home - Services and Obituaries
Bridgewater, East Bridgewater, Falmouth, Marstons Mills, Martha's Vineyard, Mashpee, Wareham, West Falmouth, Massachusetts.
Chattanooga Public Library - Chattanooga Obituaries
Index to obituaries published in the Chattanooga Times, News Free Press, and Chattanooga Times Free Press, complied by library staff. Years 1897-2014 now available.
City of Mountain View - Mountain View Public Library Obituaries
Online obituary index from 1967 to 2004.
Cocoa Tribune Obituaries & Death Index
The Tribune was an early newspaper of Cocoa, Florida. First published 22 March 1917. available on microfilm. This index includes all reports of death from the first publication until April 1966, when obituaries for the area were transferred to a sister newspaper, the Florida Today.
Colorado County, Texas Obituaries Index
Obituaries and some photos of people who lived in Colorado County (TX), including the cities of Columbus, Weimar, and Eagle Lake, TX and te surrounding rural communities (Rock Island, Garwood, Nada, Frelsburg, New Ulm, Borden, Sheridan, Bernardo, Mentz, Shaw's Bend, Oakland, Alleyton, and Glidden).
At present the database includes obituaries dating from 1909 to 2006 and is updated quarterly. The earliest class represented is 1850.
Columbus, Ohio.
Congregational Library & Archives - Obituary Database
Information on Congregational Christian ministers and missionaries, beginning with the 1600s and continuing to the present. These include dates and places of birth, ordination, and death, as well as the churches, organizations, or mission stations where they served.
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