Eastern Biotech has launched DNAancestry website to offer family ancestry analysis in Middle East.
Armenia-based professional research services.
A clearinghouse for Armenian genealogy, mostly in the French language, but with some English.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Explore your Assyrian roots with a modern and interactive map. Build your own family tree, research a village, share your histories, pictures and much more.
Foundation of the Hellenic World - Genealogy Project
From the Foundation of the Hellenic World. The Genealogy Project aims at reconstructing the family trees of the Asia Minor refugees, Greek-Orthodox inhabitants of Asia Minor and Pontos (the Black Sea region) who were expelled from their homeland after the Asia Minor disaster in 1922, and took refuge in Greece. The family data to be collected will begin with the grandparents of each Asia Minor refugee, and follow into their posterity.
The first online resource dedicated to Iranian genealogy. Provides guidance on how to research Iranian genealogy, links to various helpful resources, and features a blog and other initiatives.
MyHeritage has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
Palestine-Family.net - for the world-wide Palestine community
A cultural archive website where members of the world-wide Palestinian community can directly publish from their family collection of heritage material, find resources, and connect with others to help them in their family history research. It's free and easy and you'll be helping others and yourself discover Palestinian heritage.
Middle East » General Resources
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