1914-1915 Polk's Medical Register and Directory of North America, New York Sanitariums.
A pictorial tour through asylum architecture and history: pictures, postcards, artifacts.
Admission Register of Central State Hospital, Milledgeville, Georgia, 1842-1861
A book from Amazon.com, by Paul K. Graham.
Alfred Hospital Index - Index to Deaths at the Alfred Hospital and the Melbourne Benevolent Asylum
Includes names, ages, nativity, cause and date of death of residents of Melbourne in the 1860's and 1870's.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Allen County, Indiana Poor Asylum Records, (now Byron Health Care Center), Registers for 1933-1963
Database from The Genealogy Center, Fort Wayne & Allen County, Indiana Resources.
Ancestry.com - New South Wales, Australia, Hospital & Asylum Records, 1840-1913 $
Original source: New South Wales Government. Registers of admissions and discharges, 1859
The mission of this site is to archive both historical and current information on asylums across the United States and around the world.
Discussion and sharing of information about Australian Hospitals and Australian nurses.
City Insane Asylum Record of Patients, 1882-1884; 1888
From the City Archives, New Orleans Public Library.
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