Ancestry.com - Maps, Atlases & Gazetteers
Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
Books We Own - Atlases and Gazetteers
Books We Own is a list of resources owned/accessed by individuals who are willing to look up genealogical information and e-mail or snail mail it to others who request it. This is a free service - volunteers may ask for reimbursement of copies and postage if information is provided via snail-mail.
Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)
Containing outdated material even for its time, such as Texas being a province of México. Though dated 1850, it gives the “present” year as 1832 (page 745 left column).
Ancient, Medieval & Renaissance Maps.
Cartography Maps & GIS Resources
Fairfax, Virginia. From George Mason University.
CGRER Netsurfing: Maps and References
Huge compilation of links from the University of Iowa.
Family History with a Flourish: Video-Mapping Your Ancestors
Bring your family history to life using dynamic mapping of birth locations. This tutorial uses FREE applications and resources to help you make striking video maps of your ancestors' birth locations. Genealogy video-maps are perfect for sharing with family and for discovering the bigger picture of your genealogy.
Genealogical Geography: Place Identification in the Map Library
Article by William H. Lamble.
This is a directory of the world's cities and towns, sorted by country and linked to a map for each town.
From Genealogy.net, a German wiki. This is a valuable resource for genealogists, historians and sociologists that allows unified access to a variety of location-based data, and in particular to the facts that are relevant to the work of genealogists: geographical location of the place (coordinates or a position on a map); several properties of a place (postal code, town-code, etc.); foreign or former names; past affiliation (administrative, law, church, etc.). GOV contains churches, church districts, places, districts, regions, etc.
Map History / History of Cartography
A tightly organized global overview of the history of cartography, aimed at surfers or scholars, spread over about 100 pages. The site provides reference information and lists activities, opportunities and resources. There are also leads to the collecting of early maps. 'Map History' is managed by the former Map Librarian of the British Library and forms part of the WWW-Virtual Library.
Map Societies Around the World
From the Cleveland State University Library. A meta index of links to societies with a focus on cartography around the globe. Includes areas of interest for each society and contact information.
Old Maps Online is a large search portal for online mapping, accessing around 100,000 maps from many collections around the world, and the easiest to use: find the place you are interested in on our modern map, and the system shows you "thumbnails" of the historical maps that best cover your place; click on a thumbnail for more info, and then to view a full image on the relevant library's site; and its completely free.
A one-place-study (OPS) considers your ancestors in their physical and social context. By learning about your ancestors' neighbours and studying the historical environment and events, big and small, that took place within a village, you can gain a greater understanding of your own genealogy.
Maps & Geography » General Resources
26 Links