Chadwyck-Healey - Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance Site Maps, 1894 - 1954
Microfiche for sale.
Chicago Sanborn Maps Index: 1894-1897 and 1905-1951
From the Chicago Public Library.
David Rumsey Historical Map Collection | Pre-Earthquake San Francisco 1905 Sanborn Insurance Atlas
A rare 6 volume 1905 San Francisco Sanborn Insurance Atlas showing the city as it was just months before the great earthquake and fire of 1906 has been added to the map site in collaboration with the San Francisco Public Library which owns the atlas and keeps it in its San Francisco History Center at the main library branch.
Digital Maps - Virtual Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County
The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County's Virtual Library has downloadable full color Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, 1904-1930.
Fire Insurance Maps, Their History and Applications (WorldCat)
A book by Diane Oswald. Good information about this under-utilized source.
Fire Insurance Plans - Maps and Atlases - CampusGuides at York University
Canadian fire insurance plans housed in the libraries at York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Sanborn insurance maps show amazingly detailed views of cities and towns across the US, covering much of 19th and early 20th century America. Explore these family history tools at free sites where you can download Sanborn maps.
Geography Map Library | California State University, Northridge
The Geography Department Map Library contains a research-level collection of historical, thematic, and government document maps in support of CSUN students, staff, and faculty. The map collection is international in scope and covers the world's major regions with particular emphasis on maps of southern California, Los Angeles, and the San Fernando Valley. Patrons can find historical road and tourist maps, topographic maps of the United States, WWII maps from the Army Map Service, U.S. Forest Service maps, geologic and bathymetric maps, and maps from the Bureau of Land Management. The Map Library also contains one of the premier collections of Sanborn Fire Insurance Atlases in the country, including more than 4,000 detailed survey maps from locations throughout the western United States.
Library of Congress - Sanborn Maps
The Library of Congress has placed online nearly 25,000 Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, which depict the structure and use of buildings in U.S. cities and towns. Maps will be added monthly until 2020, for a total of approximately 500,000. The online collection now features maps published prior to 1900. The states available include Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Alaska is also online, with maps published through the early 1960s. By 2020, all the states will be online, showing maps from the late 1880s through the early 1960s.
North Carolina Maps: Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
From the University of North Carolina.
NYC Fire Insurance, Topographic and Property Maps
From the New York Public Library.
Penn State University Libraries - Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
A digitized collection of maps representing 585 large and small communities across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
For Georgia Towns and Cities, 1884-1922. Consists of 4,445 maps by the Sanborn Map Company depicting commercial, industrial, and residential areas for 133 Georgia municipalities. Fire insurance maps document the changing face of towns and cities, providing highly detailed information for each neighborhood and block.
Maps & Geography » Fire Insurance Maps
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