New Iberia, Louisiana.
Plaquemine, Louisiana.
Port Clinton, Ohio.
Idaho State Archives | Idaho Historical Society
The Idaho State Historical Society serves as the state archives and holds a variety of public records created by state and local governments, such as state agencies, counties, and cities. The collection includes territorial records; papers from most governors; selected vital, financial, and court records; and a variety of other materials.
New York.
Illinois Library and Information Network (ILLINET)
A statewide library alliance, representing over 3,000 academic, public, school and special libraries that are members of Illinois' library systems (RAILS, IHLS and CPLS).
Illinois Mennonite Historical and Genealogy Society
Includes a research library and Heritage Center located in Metamora, Illinois. The library collection began with the organizational meeting of IMHGS in 1969. Anabaptist history, records and stories from Mennonite and Amish families, congregations, and community life are the focus of the collection. It now includes encyclopedias and historical works, periodicals, family, county and congregational histories; indexes to ship passenger lists, census and marriage records on microfilm and microfiche, lists on CD ROMs and files of clippings, correspondence, fliers, pamphlets, and unpublished notes, letters and diaries.
Union, Illinois.
The Illinois State Archives serves by law as the depository of public records of Illinois state and local governmental agencies which possess permanent administrative, legal, or historical research values. Its collections do not include manuscript, newspaper, or other nonofficial sources.
Local Government Records Database
The Local Government Records Database provides a listing of the local governmental records held by the Illinois Regional Archives Depository (IRAD) system. Local governmental records include those from county, city, town, village, and township levels throughout Illinois. Numerous offices are represented from these levels. The record holdings of the IRAD system include over 5,400 different record series.
Local Government Records Database
The Local Government Records Database provides a listing of the local governmental records held by the Illinois Regional Archives Depository (IRAD) system. Local governmental records include those from county, city, town, village, and township levels throughout Illinois. Numerous offices are represented from these levels. The record holdings of the IRAD system include over 5,400 different record series.
Immigrant Institute in Bor
Immigration History Research Center Archives (IHRCA) - University of Minnesota
An international resource on American immigration and ethnic history. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Melbourne, Australia.
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