A Gold Mine of Naturalization Records in New England
Article by Walter V. Hickey.
A Guide to Finding US Naturalization Records
By Joe Beine.
A Guide to St. Louis, Missouri Naturalization Records
Article by Joe Beine.
Albany County Hall of Records Naturalizations Indexes Search
Online searchable database of index information for naturalizations in Albany, New York from 1821 to 1991.
Ancestry.com - Baden, Germany Emigration Index, 1866-1911
Searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images available with fee-based subscription. This database contains the names of over 28,000 persons who left Baden between 1866 and 1911. Each entry includes the emigrant's name, residence or place of birth, and the year of departure. Original source: adishen Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe. Auswanderer, 1866-1911. Salt Lake City, UT, USA. Microfilm of card index by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1976-1978.
Ancestry.com - Brandenburg, Prussia Emigration Records (Auswanderungsakten Brandenburg, Preu
Searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images available with fee-based subscription. This database contains 17,500 names of emigrants leaving Brandenburg. Each record provides the emigrant's name, age, occupation, residence, destination and year of emigration. Original source: Auswanderungskartei (emigration cards) located at Brandenburgishes Landeshauptarchiv in Potsdam, Germany or Family History Library microfiche #6109219-6109220 (54 total fiches).
Ancestry.com - Wasatch County, Utah Citizenship Certificate Stubs, 1907-1924
Searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images available with fee-based subscription. Original source: Wasatch County, Utah. Utah. District Court (Fourth District: Wasatch County). Citizenship certificate stubs, 1907-1924. Salt Lake City, UT, USA: Utah State Archives and Records Service. Series 85182.
Ancestry.com - Wasatch County, Utah Naturalization Record Books, 1896-1906
Searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images available with fee-based subscription. Original source: Wasatch County, Utah. Utah. District Court (Fourth District: Wasatch County). Naturalization record books, 1896-1935. Salt Lake City, UT, USA: Utah State Archives and Records Service. Series 84056.
Ancestry.com - Wuerttemberg, Germany Emigration Index
Searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images available with fee-based subscription. This database contains the names of approximately 60,000 persons who made application to emigrate at Wuerttemberg from the late eighteenth century to 1900. The information supplied on each person includes: name, date and place of birth, residence at time of application and application date, and microfilm number. Original source: Schenk, Trudy. Wuerttemberg Emigration Index. Vol. I-VIII. Salt Lake City, UT, USA: Ancestry, Inc., 1986.
Madison County Naturalization Records
Persons who applied for naturalization at the Madison County, Indiana courthouse between the years 1890-1958.
Bremen Emigrants - Passengerlists
Online searchable database of passenger lists. A project with the Bremen Chamber of Commerce and the Bremen Staatsarchiv.
Article by Marian L. Smith.
Chester County, Pennsylvania - Archives - Naturalization Records
Index to Chester County Naturalizations, 1798-1906, Pennsylvania.
Chinese Immigration to the United States, 1884-1944 - A Digital Archive
Over 250,000 people who entered the United States through San Francisco or Honolulu left records of their entry. These
Chinese Immigration to the United States, 1884-1944 - The Early Arrivals Records Search (EARS)
A Dataset From Case Files for Early Immigrants to San Francisco and Hawaii, Immigration and Naturalization Service Records at NARA's Pacific Region (San Bruno), SF RG 85.
Deutsche Auswanderer-Datenbank / German Emigrants Database
From the Historisches Museum Bremerhaven. Intends to provide a searchable database of all European emigrants who emigrated to North America from German ports between 1820 and 1939. Sources are passenger lists. Current database may be searched at the museum in Bremerhaven or by mail for a fee.
Early Howard Co. Naturalization Records
Found in various order books of the local courts prior to 1907 for Howard County, Indiana.
Emigrants From England 1773-1776
Search the index to Emigrants From England 1773-1776. This set of records has over 6,000 names of immigrants from England to USA.
Excellent online presentation of why Hamburg was a major port of departure for immigrants, how the were treated, what they faced, and how the process of departure worked.
Emigration Site for Finnmark County, Norway
The emigration list contains names of people who emigrated from Alta and Vads
Immigration, Emigration & Migration » Records
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