Archives d'Etat civil pour la g
With nearly 70 million documents devoted to genealogical research, we have a unique private collection concerning France and specially the region of Paris.
Bourse d'echange de fichiers genealogique. A site from France for the exchange of genealogical files.
FamilySearch - France Research Page FREE
Resources all on one-page for research in this state including links to the FamilySearch Wiki, the Learning Center, the FamilySearch Library Catalog, and the Historical Records Collection.
Filae $
Filae is the largest source of French archives: civil records, censuses, historical archives. You can build your own tree on the site as well.
Finding Your Ancestors From Alsace-Lorraine
This link has an overview of the history and genealogy resources of Alsace-Lorraine
FRANCOGENE: Your gateway to Franco-American and French-Canadian Genealogy on the Internet
From Denis Beauregard.
French genealogy gateway, includes genealogy links for Europe.
Geneanum.com La Généalogie à l'ère du Numérique
Records of baptisms, marriages, burials, notaries France, Malta, Sicily, and Tunisia as well as acts of naturalization.
Geneawiki, l'encyclopédie de la généalogie
Geneawiki est une encyclopédie francophone de la généalogie, gratuite, écrite en coopération par des milliers de visiteurs, et mise en place à l'initiative de Geneanet. Les sujets traités sont la généalogie (méthodologie, relevés, généalogie familiale), l'histoire locale, l'histoire familiale, l'héraldique, l'onomastique, les faits historiques ... tout ce qui touche de près ou de loin à la généalogie!
GenOm : Genealogie et Origine des Populations Migrantes
Aide dans la recherche sur les personnes qui se sont deplacees en Europe, Afrique (Algerie, Maroc, Tunisie), Amerique, Indochine (Annam, Laos, Tonkin, Vietnam), Madagascar.
Historic and genealogical information.
La France de votre nom de famille
Online searchable index of births by surname from 1891 which provides localities where the name is mainly found.
Le Blog Genealogie - Toute l'actualit
All the news about French genealogy.
The internet genealogical help service, based on volunteers, provided by Le Fil d'Ariane association, for direct researches in the Archives / Le premier service d'Entraide G
Veille collaborative g
A place where you can find everything for your genalogy in France ... and much more.
France » General Resources
28 Links