Jewish Religious Personnel in the Russian Empire, 1853-1854
An index to Prof. Genrich Markovich Deych's extremely useful book, Sinagogi, Molitvenne Doma i Sostoyashchie pri nikh Dolzhnostne Litsa v Cherte Evreiskoi Osedlosti i Guberniyakh Kurlyandskoi i Liflyandskoi Rossiiskoi Imperii 1853-1854.
Website Srdjevdan.org is a non-profit and voluntary project dedicated to Saint Day of Ss. Sergius and Bacchus, or slava Srdjevdan in Serbian (also Sveti Srdj). This site is dedicated to all those who celebrate the patron saint Srđevdan (7 / 20th October), for the sake unforgivableness respect for fathers and grandfathers who maintain your fame to this day. Community Srdjevdan.org exists to consolidate in one place information about cults, churches and celebrate. Sergius (Srd) and San Bacco and origin of families that celebrate Srđevdan. Through this site you can meet and socialize those who find themselves in this part of the site.
The Knowles Collection Updated
The Knowles Collection is group of records on the FamilySearch Community Trees Website. This database originally contained the records of a small section of the Jewish people of the British Isles. That set included less than 10,000 people. What was once a single database, has now grown to be six individual databases that now contain the genealogical records of almost 1.2 million Jewish people: The Jews of the British Isles; The Jews of North America; The Jews of Europe; The Jews of South America and the Caribbean; The Jews of Africa, The Orient and the Middle East; The Jews of the South Pacific. Read more about the collection here: FamilySearch Blog - Popular Online Jewish Genealogy Collection Surpasses One Million Entries
Eastern Europe » Religion & Churches
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