Historical maps are a important tool in genealogical research. They can provide clues to where our ancestors lived and where to look for written records about them. They can be used to locate settlements and geographic features, identify changing place names and political boundaries, and understand migration routes and settlement patterns. They are also a great visual aid, reference source and add extra interest to our research. The following collection of online historical maps has been specifically developed for Doukhobor genealogical research.
Index of Russian Geographic Terms
In order to find and use specific types of Russian records, resarchers need to be able to identify and understand some key terms in the Russian language. This glossary contains terms relating to geographic features and places, transliterated from Russian, along with their English translations. Theterms included here are those that you are likely to find in Russian genealogical sources.
The Doukhobor Gazetteer - Introduction
A comprehensive encyclopedia of geographical places and features associated with the Doukhobors in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Armenia, Cyprus, Canada and the United States. With over 1,100 entries, past and present, it is an invaluable reference source for research purposes. Each entry contains toponymic and historical data, geographic coordinates and other descriptive information. Search by name, type, alphabetically and geographically.
Doukhobors » Maps & Geography
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