Ærø Genealogy, aerogenealogy.dk, Slægtsforskning på Ærø.
If you are looking for information about the Danish island Aero (
Bornholm Stamtavle / Bornholm Family-tree
The Bornholm-Stamtavle (Bornholm Pedigree) is a genealogy site that contains 62,808 people, mainly from the Danish island Bornholm, in the Baltic Ocean, just south of the Scandinavian Peninsula.
In Danish: it is transcriptions of wills and probate in Denmark especially for Ringk
Looking for ancestors from the Danish island of Aero (
Landsbyhistorier.dk - Vi passer p
Et samlingssted for Danske Landsbyhistorier. Stories from Solbjerg, Stories from Bistrup, Stories from Hyllinge.
This website contains a digital version of the register of inhabitants of Copenhagen which was kept by the police from 1890 to 1923. A forerunner of the
Denmark / Danmark » Locality Specific
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