An organisation dedicated to bring rare books on CD at an affordable price, to the local history researcher and to the family history researcher. For England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Canada.
Births 1656-1896, Selected Counties (Virginia Vital Records Collection, 2109)
A CD-ROM by Ancestry.
City Directories: New England States 1881-1902
A CD-ROM by Ancestry.
CivilWarAmerica.com Electronic Media
Civil War CD-ROMs.
Deaths 1660-1896, Selected Counties (Virginia Vital Records Collection, 2106)
A CD-ROM by Ancestry.
Genealogy CDs for Aberdeenshire and Dorset
Compilation CDs for sale, by Kevin Smith.
Includes the CD-Emigranten: Göteborgs-Emigranten var ett samarbetsprojekt mellan Landsarkivet i Göteborg (arkivmyndighet och -depå för Göteborgs och Bohus län, Älvsborgs län och Skaraborgs län), Historiska institutionen vid Göteborgs universitet, Göteborgs kommun (Göteborgs Stadsmuseum) och Sverigekontakt. Projektets mål var att dokumentera och beskriva Göteborgs emigrations- och immigrationshistoria genom registrering av emigranter och immigranter, insamling av emigrantminnen samt intervjuer med Göteborgsemigranter m.m.
GSC Associates Historical Record Products
Historical records on CD-ROM for Coffee, Cannon , Franklin, Giles, Lincoln , Marshall, Maury and Warren Counties, Tennessee.
England. CD-ROM for sale. Includes maps, the indexed 1895 Kelly's Directory and over 1,000 historic photos.
Tanguay Collection Dictionnaire Genealogique des Famille Canadiennes
CD-ROM for sale from GlobalGenealogy.com. Includes Dictionnaire Genealogique des Famille Canadiennes, Complement a Tanguay, A travers les registres, & Repertoire general du clerge canadien.
The Cambridge Explorer - CD-ROM
Interactive Guide to Cambridge over the past 130 years. Includes 1,000 high quality & printable photographs, 3 maps of Cambridges for 1904, 1924 & 1949, 5 tours and a complete street index for 1904 listing 14,555 different names. STOP PRESS The Cambridgeshire Explorer CD-ROM available from 1st October 2002, covering the OLD County of Cambridgeshire in Photographs, Maps and the Kelly's 1904 Directory of Cambridgeshire.
CDs for sale. River Thames Watermen & Lightermen Apprenticeship Index 1688-1949, Doggett Coat & Badge; A Complete List Of Every Known Competitor 1715-2008; Thames And Medway Riverside Parish Indexes; My Ancestors Worked On The River Thames, A Guide To Find Where They Worked And Lived.
CD-ROMs » Topic Specific
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