Archdiocese of Atlanta - Archives and History
The Archives of the Archdiocese of Atlanta is the repository for official records of the archdiocese which are to be retained permanently for historical or legal purposes or because they are vital records. Included are records of administration and of curial, parochial, institutional, and confraternity groups in existence currently as well as those which have ceased to exist or which may be created in the future.
Archdiocese of Malta Archives / Archivium Archiepiscopale Melitense (A.A.M.)
The Archives of the Archbishop of Malta contain the diocesan records from 1531 to 1898, along with some miscellaneous items dating from 1450 to 1928.
The Catholic Archdiocese of Poznan Poland has significant information for genealogists. Although most of it is in Polish, it is easy to make out some parts of it. Under Archiwum Archidiecezjalno find the address, phone and email for the Archdiocesan Archives which lists all the Catholic churches for which it has baptism, marriage and death records with years included. At bottom of the Archives Homepage find a British map for an English version. Under Dekanatow i parafii A.P. find a map of the Archdiocese divided into deaconates with the names of all the present Catholic churches listed by the towns where they are located.
Archives - Archdiocese of Boston
Massachusetts. Includes parish registers, sacremental records, and cemetery records.
Archives - Diocese of Rochester
New York.
Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Records (baptisms, marriages, and deaths between the years 1668-1900) from the northern part of the Mexican state of Nuevo Le
Austin, Texas. The Catholic Archives of Texas is nationally recognized as one of the most valuable resources for the history of the Catholic Church in the Southwest. Its records span nearly four centuries of development of the Catholic religion in the southwestern region of the United States and Northern Mexico.
Catholic Archives Society - Diocesan Archives
List of diocesan archives in the United Kingdom.
London, England.
Catholic Diocese of Alexandria Archives
Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge Archives
Sacramental records offer a wealth of information for genealogists. Our records start in 1707 and contain baptisms, marriages and burials.
Catholic Diocese of St. Augustine - Archives
The archives offers protection for the permanent records of diocesan offices and ministries, parishes, organizations, schools and other institutions. Collected in a central information repository they are available (with restrictions) for reference and research. Here also are maintained the episcopal archives of the diocese (1857-1967) and original Cathedral-Basilica Parish registers of St.Augustine (1594-1881). The archives also handles requests for genealogical research and history of Catholicism in Florida.
Diocese of Wilmington (Roman Catholic) Archives
A description from the Delaware Public Archives web site.
Catholic University of America - American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives
The American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives preserves not only the institutional memory of the Catholic University of America but also the documentary heritage of the American Catholic people. In addition to University records, the archives houses the papers and organizational records of hundreds of historically significant Catholics and Catholic organizations, particularly those related to Catholic involvement in the history of American labor, as well as more than 5,000 museum objects.
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