Caribbean Genealogy Research Community (Facebook)
FamilySearch Caribbean Research Community! This group was created to give people researching the region a place to ask questions, collaborate, and share research with one another.
A forum for posting requests for information about families in the Caribbean either by name, or by country. Includes a section on Research Specialities. Registration is required and usage is moderated.
Caribbean Surnames Index - CARSURDEX (Internet Archive)
Index of surnames in the Caribbean listed by surname and researcher.
Hispanic Genealogy & Heritage News (Facebook)
Focusing on Hispanic genealogy, history, traditions, and culture. Because researching, understanding, and celebrating our family history is about more than just a genealogy focus. Published and curated by Colleen Robledo Greene, MLIS.
HUGUENOT-WALLOON Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
For anyone with a genealogical interest in the French Huguenots and Belgium Walloons who fled to the West Indies, the Netherlands, and the United States in the 17th century.
Caribbean / The West Indies » Social Networking
31 Links
Chat, Facebook, Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Newsgroups, Pinterest, Twitter, etc.